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2008. 5. 27. 07:41 iNTeReST


DExposE2 is Just Like Exposé in the Max OS X Operating System. If you are jealous of Exposé switching programs visually, DExposE2 is what you exactly want. F9 minimizes all application windows to fit on your screen. F10 minimizes all windows of a single program to fit on your screen. F11 makes all windows move out of the way to give you access to the desktop.

DExposE2 has various features in options, but some of them don't work. However, it deserves to use it, doesn't it?

'iNTeReST' 카테고리의 다른 글

HaVe You eVeR BeeN So TiReD?  (0) 2009.06.23
iS THeRe aNyTHiNG CuTeR THaN THiS?  (0) 2009.06.15
WiNDoWS LiVe WRiTeR.  (0) 2008.05.27
WHY DoN'T You SToP uSiNG MS DiSK DeFRaGMeNTeR?  (0) 2008.05.27
아디다스 광고  (0) 2007.03.31
posted by ExclamationMark™