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'분류 전체보기'에 해당되는 글 340건

  1. 2008.12.30 2008 KoNJiaM
  2. 2008.08.13 a LiST oF ReSTauRaNTS iN BaY aRea
  3. 2008.07.25 WALL-E, EVE, aND MO
  4. 2008.06.19 JuST aDDeD MooDGeT.
  5. 2008.05.27 aRe You JeaLouS oF Expose in MAC?
  6. 2008.05.27 WiNDoWS LiVe WRiTeR.
  7. 2008.05.27 WHY DoN'T You SToP uSiNG MS DiSK DeFRaGMeNTeR?
  8. 2008.05.01 YoSeMiTe TRiP[1]
2008. 12. 30. 22:44 LeiSuRe/SNoWBoaRDiNG

'LeiSuRe > SNoWBoaRDiNG' 카테고리의 다른 글

2012 KoNJiaM  (0) 2012.12.08
ReCoRDiNG - 2008 KoNJiaM  (0) 2008.12.30
iCN BoaRDeR  (0) 2006.02.23
posted by ExclamationMark™
2008. 8. 13. 06:21 LeiSuRe/DeLiCiouS

Here's a list of restaurants that are pretty good.

1. Non-Korean restaurants

Fat Apple's Restaurant-Bakery

1346 Martin Luther King Jr Way
Berkeley, CA 94709
(510) 526-2260
Zachary's Chicago Pizza

1853 Solano Ave
Berkeley, CA 94707
(510) 525-5950
Cheese Board Pizza

1512 Shattuck Ave
Berkeley, CA 94709
(510) 549-3183
Barney's Gourmet Hamburger Berkeley

1600 Shattuck Ave # 112
Berkeley, CA 94709
(510) 849-2827
Fenton's Creamery(Ice Cream)

4226 Piedmont Avenue
(between Entrada Ave & Glenwood Ave)
Oakland, CA 94611
(510) 658-7000
Norikonoko Japanese Restaurant

2556 Telegraph Ave
Berkeley, CA 94704
(510) 548-1274
Noah's Bagels

2344 Telegraph Ave, Berkeley
(510) 849-9951

381 South Van Ness Ave
San Francisco, 94103
(415) 551-7181
Yang Sink(Chinese Dimsum)

Rincon Center
101 Spear St.
San Francisco
(415) 957-9300

Stevenson St.
49 Stevenson St.
San Francisco
(415) 541-4949
Cliff House(Sea Food, Coffee)

1090 Point Lobos Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94121
(415) 386-3330
Addis Ethiopian Restaurant

6100 Telegraph Ave
Oakland, CA 94609
(510) 653-3456‎

1686 Market St.
San Francisco, CA 94102

2109 Cedar Street
(1/2 block off Shattuck)
Phone: (510) 883-1893
Fax: (510) 883-1894

4001B Piedmont Avenue
(at 40th)
Phone: (510) 547-3444
Fax: (510) 547-3555

2. Korean restaurants


3915 Broadway
Oakland, CA 94611
(510) 594-8300
Kang Tong Degi

3702 Telegraph Ave
Oakland, CA, 94620
(510) 658-2998

4869 Telegraph Ave
Oakland, CA 94620
(510) 654-9292
Sahnmaru Korean BBQ Restaurant

4315 Telegraph Ave
Oakland, CA 94609
(510) 653-3366‎
Koryo BBQ Restaurant

4390 Telegraph Ave
Suite J
(between 43rd St & 44th St)
Oakland, CA 94609
(510) 652-6007
Pyung Chang Tofu House

4701 Telegraph Ave
(between 47th St & 48th St)
Oakland, CA 94609
(510) 658-9040
Oriental B.B.Q. Chicken Town

6101 Telegraph Ave
(between 61st St & 62nd St)
Oakland, CA 94609
(510) 595-5338
Yuyu Za Zang

3919 Telegraph Ave
(between 39th St & 40th St)
Oakland, CA 94609
(510) 653-2288

'LeiSuRe > DeLiCiouS' 카테고리의 다른 글

Sv. NORBERT  (0) 2014.04.16
水井坊 - Shui Jing Fang  (0) 2014.03.31
[펌]일본 맥주 총천연 분석  (0) 2007.08.01
맛집 [미안하다 퍼왔따!]  (0) 2007.07.11
조개구이 + 스타벅스 + 시냇가에 심은 나무  (0) 2007.05.18
posted by ExclamationMark™
2008. 7. 25. 14:49 LeiSuRe/MoVieS

Poster: It looks like that WALL-E is missing somebody who might be somewhere in the universe.

After 700 years of doing what he was built for, he'll discover what he was meant for.

WALL-E pats the seat next to him invitingly, hoping EVE will join him.

WALL-E gives her a light bulb which was one of his collections to get her attention.

After EVE found out the plant, she was locked waiting for her spaceship to arrive. WALL-E doesn't know what happened to her and wants to keep staying right by her, holding her hand. How romantic!!! Before this scene, WALL-E tried to get her shaded with an umbrella when it rained with thunderstorm.

Here's one of the Easter Eggs. After fully recharged, the alert tone for WALL-E is exactly the same as mac start-up chime sound. Steve Jobs, Apple's CEO was placed on Disney's Board of Directors. Therefore Apple and Disney share a close relationship. This is BUSINESS! It must cause little kids to be familiar with that sound and buy apple products in the near future. How awesome!

MO MO MO. He or she is one of the favorite characters. MO is very responsible for "Foreign contaminant". ;)


Best words: Wall----E, E----VE(It sounds like EVA.)


Photo by Disney/PIXAR. All Rights Reserved

'LeiSuRe > MoVieS' 카테고리의 다른 글

Die HaRD - a GooD Day To Die  (0) 2013.02.09
BeRLiN  (0) 2013.02.03
CATS is coming to Bay Area.  (0) 2008.04.28
비보이를 사랑한 발레리나  (0) 2007.07.31
트랜스포머  (0) 2007.07.01
posted by ExclamationMark™
2008. 6. 19. 12:45 카테고리 없음


The moodget is here! Share your feelings with your friends using this simple and fun personal gadget. Create your own moodget and send it to your friends, or post it on your blog. When ever you feel like it, edit your moodget and your friends will be able to see your mood. The moodget can be installed on personal homepages, blogs or desktop sidebars. Just follow these 3 simple steps and let the whole world know how you feel.

posted by ExclamationMark™
2008. 5. 27. 07:41 iNTeReST


DExposE2 is Just Like Exposé in the Max OS X Operating System. If you are jealous of Exposé switching programs visually, DExposE2 is what you exactly want. F9 minimizes all application windows to fit on your screen. F10 minimizes all windows of a single program to fit on your screen. F11 makes all windows move out of the way to give you access to the desktop.

DExposE2 has various features in options, but some of them don't work. However, it deserves to use it, doesn't it?

'iNTeReST' 카테고리의 다른 글

HaVe You eVeR BeeN So TiReD?  (0) 2009.06.23
iS THeRe aNyTHiNG CuTeR THaN THiS?  (0) 2009.06.15
WiNDoWS LiVe WRiTeR.  (0) 2008.05.27
WHY DoN'T You SToP uSiNG MS DiSK DeFRaGMeNTeR?  (0) 2008.05.27
아디다스 광고  (0) 2007.03.31
posted by ExclamationMark™
2008. 5. 27. 04:37 iNTeReST


It's awesome. I'm sick and tired of posting on the web-based editor. The blog that I'm using on doesn't have a good text editor, and it sometimes makes me upset. ( Maybe, the unstable editor results from IE web browser. :(|) ) I don't like MS products too much just because it's not creative, convenient, and etc etc. Ah! Many Bugs!!! But I can praise this WLW(Windows Live Writer). It isn't only compatible with Windows Live Spaces but also WordPress, and many other blog service using API. How fantastic! It's not like MS, is it? WLW help insert and customize photos, videos, tags, and lots of other cool content. For example, to post an article with photos, I don't need to upload photos to a CDN server separately. WLW does it for me if I pre-register my ftp server. Moreover, WLW can be expanded by adding a plug-in. There are various plug-ins one of which is a Picasa plug-in that connects to my blog from my Picasa Web.


Here is the list of 10 must have plugins for bloggers using windows live writer users. These tools will help your blogging experience better. They are all helpful to reduce your blogging time, reduce the number of steps before publishing a post, and reduces the number of applications you have to use to write an article.

Using these plugins to the new windows live writer will help you to do almost all your regular blogging activities from live writer itself and will save your time.

  1. Screen Capture tool
    This plugin will help you to take screenshots from your PC, you suggest. Works fine like the “Print Screen” option, but more effective and manageable. Now no need to run Photoshop side by side, when you blog. This is particularly useful when you are reviewing an application and blogging side by side.
  2. Screenshot/Thumbnail creator of a website
    This plugin will help you create a thumbnail of another website that you suggest. Just give the URL and it gives you the full page screenshot/thumbnail of that webpage. Now no need to take screen shots and join pieces together.
  3. Insert images from Flickr
    Many of the bloggers upload images to flickr and picasa, hotlinking it from there, so that you save on bandwidth ad save from the “Digg Effect”. But it has always been a tedious task to upload the image, copy the URL etc. Now do it all from WLW. Give your user name and this plugin will show all the images from this user name, just like how flock shows it’s media window. Just drag and drop your required image and you are done!
  4. Insert your BOX.net files to your post
    Just like the image insertion from flickr, this plugin allows you to insert your Box.net files form a small box to your article. Simple as a drag and drop. No issues and time waste!
  5. A simple De.li.cio.us plugin
    That will help you to incorporate delicious tags to your post. A must have if you are a delicious fan.
  6. Technorati plugin
    A tiny plugin that will help you to add technorati tags to your articles. Simple and easy to use, but very effective in getting relevant traffic to your blog.
  7. Insert Youtube or Google Videos to your post
    Another powerful tool that saves lot of your time by helping you insert a Youtube or Google video into your post.
  8. Save typing the same link over and over again
    With this teeny weeny plugin, yo can save a lot of time, as it keeps in memory your previous links and next time when you use the same anchor text, it suggests you a previous link.
  9. Save on typing the same text again and again
    Just like the link saver, this plugin helps you same time by not typing the same text over and over again. For example, a subscribe to RSS feed, link or reminder text that you use at the end of every article can be stored in a template file and called up any time during the post. 
  10. Picasa Image plugin
    With this plugin you can easily insert images you have in your Picasa Web Albums into your blog. You are able to upload new images into existing albums or create new albums.
posted by ExclamationMark™
2008. 5. 27. 04:12 iNTeReST


Here's a solution. As programs are installed or time flows, MS O/S goes slow and slow and then drives us crazy. One thing we can make it delayed is to defragment periodically even though it annoys us. UltimateDefrag is a tool to have hard disks defragmented just like Disk Defragmenter does. UltimateDefrag defragments in several methods such as Consolidate, Folder/File Name, Recency, Volatility, and Auto.

For now, I'm not feeling like my system is optimized. Various methods look fancy. HaHa. I hope it works well as what it looks like.

'iNTeReST' 카테고리의 다른 글

aRe You JeaLouS oF Expose in MAC?  (0) 2008.05.27
WiNDoWS LiVe WRiTeR.  (0) 2008.05.27
아디다스 광고  (0) 2007.03.31
나도 한때는... 그리고 뒤집어지는 댓글  (0) 2007.03.28
롤링스톤 휴로리의 인터뷰 사진  (0) 2007.03.23
posted by ExclamationMark™
2008. 5. 1. 13:14 LeiSuRe/PLaCeS
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'LeiSuRe > PLaCeS' 카테고리의 다른 글

oN  (0) 2009.06.01
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CLuBESPReSSo  (0) 2007.03.26
WaLTS' & DR MaHN'  (0) 2007.03.26
iNCLouD  (0) 2007.03.26
posted by ExclamationMark™